ESG Policy


Our firm is highly sensitive to the importance of adopting sustainability policies to ensure that our actions, too, along with those of industry and other professionals, can contribute to preserving the general wellbeing of the world in which we all live.


Studio Legale Grompe Redaelli e Associati intends to progressively implement Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) actions which will enable us to achieve concrete goals in terms of sustainability. We are aware that our firm’s actions will have to be on-going and constant, to reflect the changing needs and scenarios at any given time.

Plan of action

Our plan of action has been developed in line with the type of business we carry on (legal consulting), our location (Milan, Italy) and the size of our firm (10-15 professionals and staff).


We are aware that even the activity carried on by a professional firm such as ours has an impact on the environment. We have drawn up the following plan of action to combat the environmental impact resulting from the conduct of our business:

Waste management

We have been operating clear and practical waste sorting for some time now, and we keep a close eye on monitoring that our waste is properly sorted and disposed of.


We have put in place a system to reduce the use of plastic as much as possible (from food packaging to working tools).


We are sensitive to using electricity with the aim of minimizing waste (be it in individual offices, in the use of the air-conditioning system, or in how working tools are used), including through the use of energy-efficient devices.


We have constantly reduced our consumption of paper over recent years, favouring the use and storage of documents in electronic format.

Each year our firm considers initiatives/projects in favour of protecting the environment to support, with a view to off-setting our environmental footprint to some extent.


Independently of sustainability issues, we have long considered that the wellbeing of our human resources is just as essential as adhering to the laws and regulations governing employment and employment-related matters. We have drawn up the following plan of action with respect to social impact:

Diversity and respect

Our firm has never adopted any type of policy capable of having a negative impact on diversity, and we firmly intend to go on in this way. In addition, the compensation system in our firm is not influenced in any way by diversity aspects. Similarly, we believe that respect among the firm's employees is fundamental to the creation and maintenance of a comfortable working environment, and on this point, too, the firm intends to continue with policies that preserve this value.

Gender equality

Our firm considers as a natural and essential element the equal treatment of women and men for any issue, i.e., by way of example, from economic treatment to career path. We are aware that only equal treatment can contribute to the improvement of society. We are striving to adopt formal recognitions on this important issue as well.


Everyone working in the firm is habitually involved in a variety of decision-making processes. In addition to the training obligations imposed by law, our firm organizes training and continuing education activities which are made available to all.

Maternity, Paternity and Adoption.

Our firm strongly believes that the working mother or the working father should be protected during and after the maternity, paternity or adoption period and these moments should not be regarded as a negative fact in the work environment. Thus, in addition to the protections provided by law, our firm goes as far as possible, consistent with the type of task performed, to meet the needs of the working mother or the working father, during and after the period of maternity, paternity or adoption, related to the performance of work in order to enable her to manage the new family situation in a more agile way. With reference to the post-maternity, paternity or adoption period, our firm is in fact attentive also to the needs of the parent-father, who is a collaborator with our firm and who is dealing with the new family situation.


In addition to strict compliance with legal obligations, our partners have always shown a transparent and ethical approach to managing the firm. We have drawn up the following plan of action with regard to governance:

Career path

From the most junior member of the firm to the most senior, each career path, up to and including being admitted as a partner, is based on criteria of individual merit. Career advancements, including increases in remuneration, are therefore dictated not only by seniority but also by objectively assessable aspects.

Staff selection

Our firm conducts employee selection by evaluating candidate profiles objectively.


Our firm believes it is essential that all members of the firm, including partners, operate with integrity. Integrity is the cornerstone for building a relationship of mutual trust in the workplace.

Management of the firm

The partners share responsibilities for specific management activities and meet weekly to discuss the general management of the firm.

Reports/ grievances/specific requests

Everyone who works in the firm has the opportunity to engage with the partners to discuss any issue which may arise. With regard to matters concerning personnel management, employees may discuss the matter with the partner who has been assigned responsibility in this area. The partner who has received the report/grievance/specific request then refers the matter to the other partners, who together decide on the most suitable action to take.


Our firm is aware that the efficacy of the sustainability policies adopted needs to be regularly monitored and verified. The partners of the firm meet monthly, if not more frequently, to review the plan of action adopted and to debate sustainability issues, ensuring that the plan itself, or specific aspects of it, is updated when required and to consider scheduling independent third party audits.

July 2024